What with Christmas, dark nights, cold weather, snow and general apathy resulting from the former, not a lot has happened in the last 3 weeks or so. I have been tinkering with the shower and toilet but nothing worth bloging.
I have been busy getting materials in to take advantage of the B&Q sale and pre VAT rise. I now have the bulk of what I need to finish. Well, certainly the expensive kit and the essentials.
I have rearranged things a tiny bit from the former layout. I have moved the fridge over to the off side and put a 400mm cabinet on the near side instead of the 500mm originally planned. This has enabled me to put the Carver gas room heater in a better place than originally planned. This heater is a room sealed gas heater. The flu is underneath which saves having to run a vertical flu. I will need to make a heat shield to protect the side of the cabinet. As this is a convector heater I will probably put a small fan under the cabinet to boost circulation as required.
I have also cut the depth of the unit back by about 100mm to give more room when sitting in the passenger seat facing the back.